In Namibia

Well, there’s something I never thought I’d say. Never, ever imagined I’d visit this country.

So far, we’ve been here for about an hour, and driven 20kms from the border, but we have spent the last few days camping along the Orange River on the South African side. The river forms the South African / Namibian border and is a true oasis in the desert. The Orange River starts in Lesotho, many hudreds of kms to the south east, although it may originate from further away under another name. We have been looking across the river at the Namibian side … and now we’re here.

More updates later, just wanted to check in and let you know where we are. Heading to the Fish River Canyon – 2nd largest canyon in the world, after that other one in the US.

Petroglyphs east of Richtersveld National Park
Petroglyphs east of Richtersveld National Park
Petroglyphs thought to be at least 2000 years old
Petroglyphs thought to be at least 2000 years old


Judy making bread
Judy making bread
Wildflowers in the desert west of Richtersveld National Park
Wildflowers in the desert west of Richtersveld National Park
The Hand of God, naturaql rock formation Richtersveld National Park
The Hand of God, natural rock formation Richtersveld National Park
Judys camp made bread
Judys camp made bread
Camped at de Hoop campsite Richtersveld National Park
Camped at de Hoop campsite Richtersveld National Park
Camped by the Orange River at de Hoop
Camped by the Orange River at de Hoop
de hoop campsite and the Orange River
de hoop campsite and the Orange River


On the road in Richtersveld
On the road in Richtersveld
Wildflowers in Richtersveld
Wildflowers in Richtersveld
Crossing the Orange River to Namibia
Crossing the Orange River to Namibia